June 26, 2018

A Fine Roof Overhead

Read Mark 2:1-12

When the four friends of the paralyzed man in Mark 2 found they couldn’t enter the house where Jesus was speaking because of the crowd they found another way. They went up on the roof of the house and made an opening to lower their friend down to Jesus. This story is hilarious.

Can’t you just see it? Jesus is speaking. All eyes and ears are on him. His words of wisdom and divine knowledge are gripping the crowd. Then suddenly the roof begins to give way. People cower under falling debris and Jesus stops speaking. He’s looking up with everyone else, wondering what’s going on. Then the paralytic descends through the roof and Jesus smiles.

With a new and improved roof on my house I feel pretty comfortable now. No more shingles in the driveway after a windy night; no more worries about water seeping into the house. I have a fine roof overhead. I’m confident no paralytics will be lowered into my living room. But is Jesus smiling?

We value comfort and security a lot in our society. I’m happy and appreciative for my roof. Yet I hope it isn’t shielding me from the hilarious, and sometimes life-changing events, which God uses to draw us closer. If divine encounters aren’t going to enter by way of my roof, perhaps through an open door, a particular need, or the heart of friends taking me places I didn’t anticipate. Trusting that Jesus is part of it all seems to be where we need to start.

Meditate on what actions you take for the sake of comfort and security that might be shielding you from important divine encounters.

See you all soon!

Pastor Ron